The Inspiration

Airthrey Castle was the family home of the Haldane brothers. Robert sold this property and used the funds to promote the gospel across Scotland and the world.

The Haldanes – The Example and Inspiration for HRF

Robert and James Haldane, born in the 1760’s were of noble lineage. As one would expect they received the best education that their family’s money could buy and both had opportunities to delve into the most lucrative businesses that the British Empire at its height offered them.

Neither were drawn into what they saw as dull business enterprise, instead both choosing a more adventurous life at sea. Robert joined the British Navy and often found himself in the midst of intense conflict with the French, while James joined the Merchant Navy and in so doing made friendships with all kinds of people, many of whom drew him into dark and sinful places.

During their days on the high seas both of the brothers lived the lives of hedonists, neither having any incline of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They had their Scottish Presbyterian upbringing, but no heart for the glory of God and no love for the Lord Jesus.

Once back on dry land with many a wild oat sown the Lord took a hold of both of them and they saw plainly that while rich in earthly goods their spiritual bankruptcy was prolific. Upon finding forgiveness in Christ, they then devoted themselves to the fulfilling of the great commission.

Robert’s desire to go to India as a missionary was scuppered by the East India Company which essentially ruled the great nation of India on behalf of the British Government. However, he was able to spend several years in Geneva where he was influential in the lives of many young Christian ministers and academics who themselves went on to turn the tide of spiritual disinterest that had plagued Europe for decades.

James became an itinerant preacher who travelled throughout Scotland for a number of years. His task was mainly that of an Evangelist and in so doing he saw many weary churches revitalized and many new churches established.

Without doubt the greatest and longest lasting influence the Haldane brothers had was due to the fact that they were prepared to take their great wealth and use it for the cause of the gospel. The family home, known as Airthrey Castle was sold, the extensive and richly fertile land that had been handed down to them was put on the market and the funds that had been so selflessly and sacrificially handed over to the Lord’s work were used to fund the building of churches, the care of orphans, the publishing of Bibles. As the 18th century ended and the 19th began the brothers were busy training men for the ministry, indeed around 300 men in total, many of whom were aided financially by the brothers themselves.

The Haldanes had been given a bountiful inheritance and as a result a privileged place for them and their children in Scottish society and yet they gave it up for the sake of the gospel. They saw the importance of storing up treasure in heaven where moth and rust would not destroy and where thieves would not break through and steal. The example of their selfless and generous heart for the sake of the everlasting kingdom of Christ is an inspiration to those involved with the Haldane Resurgence Foundation. Our desire is to contribute to worthy causes that will see the lives of men, women and boys and girls impacted for many years to come.

We believe that by investing in those who have needs or those who are being called by God to devote themselves to His service we will be able to leave the kind of blessing behind that the Haldanes have left and in so doing the Lord Himself is honored and glorified.